Local: 320-252-0910
The FTD® In Love with Red Roses™ Bouquet - Deluxe
18-V1RThe FTD® In Love with Red Roses™ Bouquet is a classic way to send your love this coming Valentine's Day! Rich red roses are elegantly arranged amongst lush, vibrant greens to create a stunning bouquet that expresses your love and affection with each crimson bloom. Presented in a keepsake red glass vase with a spiral design starting at the base and looping up to the top to give it a modern styling they will love, this gorgeous red rose bouquet is ready to sweep your sweetheart off their feet this coming February 14th. Premium packaging included. GOOD bouquet is approx. 19"H x 15"W. BETTER bouquet is approx. 20"H x 17"W. BEST bouquet is approx. 21"H x 19"W.
- For U.S. and Canada deliveries only
- Delivery Information
All items featured on this site represent the types of arrangements we offer and may vary depending upon availability in certain regions. Substitution Policy